Census Data –Federal
Lists the categories on the Federal Census for 1790 to 1930 along with a map of the U.S. in each census year. Be sure to explore the other links listed, such as, enumeration districts.
Lists the categories on the Federal Census for 1790 to 1930 along with a map of the U.S. in each census year. Be sure to explore the other links listed, such as, enumeration districts.
A comprehensive, categorized & cross-referenced list of links that point you to genealogical research sites online.
Lists multiple countries from around the world and their digital newspaper archives with the name of the paper and the dates covered and whether it is free of if there is a fee.
A nice collection of newspapers from around the state. The site has a map to help you narrow down your search geographically.
Large on-line family history resource database. Fee for private use. There is a free version at your public library. You can sign up for a free account which allows you to post your family tree and to see your DNA results. The DNA kit varies in price throughout the year from $59 to $99.
The University of Pennsylvania’s Historical Newspapers on-line lists over 25 free sites, many of them in Pennsylvania.
Under “Online Information/Research databases/Genealogy” you will find Heritage Quest (a list of all US Census records by census year and indexed, city directories and other helpful features), (many newspapers from around the U.S.), Fold3 (military records) and Digital Sanborn Maps to name a few. You will need your library card number to log-in. Inside a branch library you can also access .
Site provided by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormon). Searchable by name. Searchable databases and digitized books. The site is free. Information on living persons is not displayed. You can put your family tree on this site along with documents and pictures. There seems to be no limit. This is a way for cousins to add to what you have. The further back you go, the more likely someone else has already entered the information, especially for ancestors in the U.S.
Located in Independence, Missouri, it is a large, public facility with extensive collections of genealogical material and staff to provide help. It is part of the Mid-Continent Library System.
This is the Genealogical section of the website. It has online databases of birth and death records, soldiers and judicial records.