
Membership is open to anyone interested in genealogy. You do not need a certain level of experience to join.  Novices will find other members willing to help.

Membership Dues

Membership renewals are due annually by January 1st. The membership year runs January 1 thru December 31.  All who join and pay their dues after October 1st will be considered paid for the following year.

Individual Membership

Single person membership

Family membership

Members living at one address

  1. Dues may be paid in CASH at the meeting.
  2. Dues may be paid by CHECK either at the meeting or email for mailing options.
  3. Dues may be paid ONLINE by visiting our Join page and using PayPal or your Credit Card.

Benefits of Membership

  • Members only area which includes:
    • Back issues of our newsletter
    • Ability to check member profile
    • View the member list
    • Access to articles and speaker handouts
    • Information on special interest groups
  • Special Interest Groups on various topics such as DNA, writing your family history, Brick Walls and more…
  • Member E-Alerts 
  • Connect with others with a like interest in genealogy