Digital Archives
Wikipedia On-Line Newspaper Archives
Lists multiple countries from around the world and their digital newspaper archives with the name of the paper and the dates covered and whether it is free of if there is a fee.
Lists multiple countries from around the world and their digital newspaper archives with the name of the paper and the dates covered and whether it is free of if there is a fee.
A nice collection of newspapers from around the state. The site has a map to help you narrow down your search geographically.
Large on-line family history resource database. Fee for private use. There is a free version at your public library. You can sign up for a free account which allows you to post your family tree and to see your DNA results. The DNA kit varies in price throughout the year from $59 to $99.
Millions of names. All are linked to a specific cemetery. Easily searchable by name or by cemetery. Some memorials have pictures of the grave stone, of the individual, an obituary or some facts about the person, and links to parents, spouse and children (if deceased). Names are added daily.
Home site for free genealogical sites in every state and every county within a state. Some have a great deal of information; others have a meagre amount.
RootsTech is a 4-day event held annually in Salt Lake City, Utah, dedicated to celebrating family and discovering family histories. With over 300 breakout sessions, an exciting lineup of celebrity speakers, and a gigantic expo hall, we’ve got something we’re sure you’ll love.
Programs are held at 10:00 a.m. on the 4th Saturday of each month, except for October which is the annual seminar and December (no meeting). Meetings are held at the Johnson County Central Resource Library, 9875 W. 87th St., Overland Park, Kansas 66212 (southeast corner of 875h St. and Farley).