November 14, 2020 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Will Be Held Virtually
Mayflower 400thAnniversary: 17th Century New England Resources
By David Allen Lambert
17th-century New Englanders arguably are the most studied group on the planet. In many cases, town vital records, church, colony, court, probate, land, military, and tax records not only have survived, but have been abstracted and published. Learn more about the records and resources that exist for this time and place in our history and how to best access them for your own research.
David Allen Lambert is Chief Genealogist for New England Historic GenealogicalSociety. His genealogical expertise includes New England and Atlantic Canadian records of the 17th through 21st century, military records, DNA research; and Native American and African American genealogical research in New England. David is an elected Fellow of the Massachusetts Historical Society in Boston, Mass., and a life member of the New Hampshire Society of the Cincinnati. He is also the tribal genealogist for the Massachuset-Punkapoag Indians of Massachusetts.
A Q&Asession is included with the presentation
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