Message from the President – August 2022
President’s letter – August 2022
Are you looking forward to meeting in-person again? I know I am. It will be great to see old friends and meet new members who joined while we were meeting virtually. We have approximately the same number of members as we did at the beginning of 2020. So, we thank you for continuing to renew your membership and thank you to our new members.
This fall marks our 25th anniversary as an organization. In fall 1997, a group of Northlanders interested in genealogy formed the Northland Genealogy Society with Susie Schoenebeck as president. Were you one of those original members? We’d love to hear your remembrances.
Speaking of our anniversary, our September program will celebrate this event with trivia, activities and fellowship. Do you have an account with Family Search? Make sure you download the app on your phone so you can use the “Relatives Around Me” feature to see how many of your fellow genealogists you may be related to.
Our October meeting will be a DNA workshop. Did you take a DNA test and don’t know what to do next? Are you overwhelmed with the number of matches? This meeting is for you.
Unfortunately, we cannot do a virtual or hybrid meeting for either of our September or October meetings because both will have hands on activities that are not conducive to a webinar.
We are now part of the Midwest Alliance of Genealogical Societies. This means that as a member of Northland Genealogy Society, you can attend the monthly programs of the Johnson County (KS) Genealogical Society, the Wichita Genealogical Society, The Topeka Genealogical Society or the Greater Omaha Genealogical Society for free and if they have a conference or seminar you can attend at the member rate. If you are a member, you received a notice at the beginning of the month, on how to sign up for the Johnson County (KS) Genealogical Society’s conference in October featuring Joshua Taylor. There was limited seating, so I hope you made reservations to see this national speaker.
I hope to see all of you at next meeting. Because the first weekend is a holiday, our September meeting is on September 10th.
Elna Cox, President Northland Genealogy Society