Message From the President January 2023
President’s Letter – January 2023
As we start the new year, I’d like to reflect on some highlights from 2022. We celebrated our 25th anniversary as a genealogy society. We had Judy Russell and Michelle Spencer give virtual presentations. We resumed meeting in-person. We had a well-attended DNA workshop last fall.
We have some wonderful programs lined up for this year. This month we will be doing a Genealogy Escape Room – an interactive group activity. In February, Lauri Jean Swet will give us some ideas for “Researching Immigrant Ancestors.” Do you want to be more organized? Come to our March program on “Ten Steps for Organizing for the Busy Genealogist” by Cindy Patton. In April, Mary Celeste will present “Telling the Family Story in Small Bites with Photographs.” We will have a two-part program in May and June on “Preserving Family Records and Photos in Digital Form.”
The new year brings changes. Our brick wall SIG ended in December, but we will be starting a new program called Genealogy Chat. The purpose is to get together and chat about a genealogy topic. The topic will be different each month. Members and non-members can participate, so feel free to invite your friends. Our first topic will be genealogy New Year’s resolutions. What’s yours? Come share with us, maybe you’ll get some ideas. The link to join will be on our website.
For members only, we have a DNA special interest group and a Lineage Society special interest group. Both meet monthly.
If you have not done so already, please renew. If you have renewed, thank you! Your dues fund our speakers. By being a member, you receive a monthly newsletter, video replay of virtual presentations when available, special interest groups to participate in and a private Facebook page to share information and ask genealogy related questions. To renew, visit our website , sign-in to your account, and look for the Renew button in the top right of the webpage. Click on Membership under Account and follow the directions.
Again, thank you for your continued support and I look forward to seeing you at a meeting.
Elna Cox, President, Northland Genealogy Society